Events of EFUCA
Dear colleagues and members of the Clubs for UNESCO network!* We are pleased to inform you that *the IV on-line Europe-Asia Forum on Education “Sustainable development in our society”* will be held *on October 30-31, 2021.* In the year of *75th Anniversary of UNESCO*, *40th Anniversary of the World Federation of Clubs, Centers and Associations for UNESCO (WFUCA)* and *20th Anniversary of the European Federation of Clubs and Associations for UNESCO* the project will create a platform to overview the important initiatives proclaimed by the organization with a focus on the Agenda 2030.
The main aim of the Forum is to analyze the interdependence between the natural, social, cultural and economic environment development and prosperity, and share best practices on the integrative and inclusive role of education in promoting a sustainable development in our society.
t is important to remember that the first and second Forum in 2013 and 2014 was successfully held in China and in 2015 the third in Romania. This year due to the pandemic *by the initiative of Romanian and Kazakhstan Federations* the event will be organized in the on-line format with the support of the* European and Asian-Pacific Federations of Clubs and Associations for UNESCO and under the auspices of the World Federation of Clubs, Centers and Associations for UNESCO.*
During the consultations with an acting President of WFUCA Mr. Yoo Jay Kun it was agreed that the IV on-line Europe-Asia Forum on Education “Sustainable development in our society” will be held within the Plan of WFUCA’s 40th Anniversary and in a memory of three leaders Mr. Masatake Matsuda, Mr. Tao Xiping and Mr. Dhirendra Bhatnagar.
It is expected that the IV Europe-Asia Forum on Education “Sustainable development in our society” will gather members of the world Clubs for UNESCO movement, representatives of UNESCO Headquarters and National Commissions for UNESCO as well as interested participants from the different international organizations, academia and non-governmental sectors. As the result of the Forum will be published the Conference proceedings in a special digital and hard copy volume.
Taking into consideration the importance of joined efforts to more peaceful and sustainable world, we kindly ask you* to save the date for the Forum. *More detailed agenda will be provided further.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any quessions or suggestions:
Dr. Daniela Popescu,
Dr. Sabina Akzharova,